![Headshot 05-01-23[bewerkt] Headshot 05-01-23[bewerkt]](https://vphc.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Headshot-05-01-23bewerkt-282x300.jpg)
Dr. Joris Wijnker
From veterinary practitioner to applied veterinary medicine and veterinary research
Having worked for several years as a veterinary practitioner with companion animals and as an equine anesthesiologist, in 2004 I switched to applied veterinary science in the field of products of animal origin for human consumption. With a focus on detail and practical application I have i.a. developed a HACCP hygiene guide that serves as the global standard for the international casing industry.
In 2005 I started my PhD research track which resulted in a successful defense of my thesis early 2009. In the same year I became registered as a Dutch specialist in veterinary public health. Food safety and the prevention of spreading contagious animal diseases via products of animal origin are recurring subjects in research projects that I am involved in. Various results have been included in the Terrestrial Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health (Link WOAH Code / casings). Since 2019 I am a copromotor for a PhD research track done at the WUR, Wageningen University & Research, which continues this field of research.
Through my interest in various subjects and cooperation with different people and organisations, I have been able to put together an extensive list of different scientific publications (Link UU).
As an enthousiastic fan of the ‘life-long-learning’ principe, there will always be new subjects to further develop.
Start VPH Consultancy
In 2011 VPH Consultancy was started with in the meantime an extensive portfolio of (international) clients.
Additional activities
In addition to these activities I currently serve in the Royal Netherlands Army and have a position as assistant professor.
Specialist Veterinary Public Health
Joris Wijnker has been registered since 2009 as Specialist Veterinary Public Health with the Royal Dutch Veterinary Association. Veterinary Public Health is a specific section within veterinary medicine focusing on animals and their products versus human / public health.

As major-veterinarian I serve with the Operational Support Command Land of the Royal Netherlands Army. My focus is on Force Health Protection, ensuring fighting strength of operational units.
In addition the annual veterinary support to the Cavalerie Ere-Escorte during Prinsjesdag.
Assistant professor
As a (visiting) assistant professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University I am in a position to share my practical knowledge and experience with bachelor- and master students within the field of veterinary public health.
It also allows me to supervise differerent research projects, with special attention to animal disaster management.